MDP on QUEST: Quality & Effectiveness Through Systems Thinking

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MDP on QUEST: Quality & Effectiveness Through Systems Thinking

mdp-quest1-266x266Organization: NALCO, Dhamara Port Co.Ltd., PPL,CESU,


Duration: June 08 – June 09, 2012


In a world of growing complexity, many of the most vexing problems facing managers arise from the unanticipated side-effects of their own past actions. In response, organizations struggle to speed learning and adopt a more systemic approach. The challenge is to move past slogans about accelerating learning and “thinking systemically” to practical tools that help managers understand complexity, design better operating policies, and guide effective change.


This program introduces participants to system dynamics, a powerful framework for identifying, designing, and implementing high-leverage interventions for sustained success in complex systems. It has been used successfully in diverse industries and organizations.

Through intensive, hands-on illustrations and interactive exercises, participants will be exposed to the principles of systems thinking and practical methods for putting them into action. They will be introduced to a variety of tools, including mapping techniques, simulation models, which they can apply to their own business environment as soon as they complete the program.

Participants will learn to recognize and deal with situations where policy interventions are likely to be delayed, diluted, or defeated by unanticipated reactions and side effects. They will have a chance to experience several business situations in managing logistics, operations, marketing and human resource management, involving unanticipated reactions and side effects. During the course participants would be introduced to several orientations to explore such strategic issues as fluctuating sales, production and earnings; market growth and stagnation; the diffusion of new technologies; the use and reliability of forecasts; and the rationality of business decision making.

Learning Outcomes

Effective decision making and learning require tools to better understand how the structure of complex systems influences the behavior of individuals within them and the overall outcomes. The concepts and frameworks covered in the programme will enable participants to:

  • DISCOVER why dysfunctional dynamics persist in organizations.
  • UNDERSTAND why success in one area often means trouble for other areas, and how to avoid this problem.
  • IDENTIFY and understand complex situations and the dynamics they produce.
  • ASSESS in advance the likely impact of different policies and decisions on the growth, stability, and behavior of organizations.
  • DESIGN integrated growth strategies.
  • REDUCE critical delays in new product development and introduction.
  • MAKE strategic decisions that result in outcomes consistent with overall objectives.
  • DEVELOP the ability to think systemically and dynamically.
  • IMPLEMENT successful change initiatives.

Programme resource person

Dr. Ashok K. Sar:

Prof. Ashok, is an alumnus of XIMB, and has done his Ph. D. from Utkal University. He is currently the Dean and a faculty member in the Strategy and Organization area at School of Management, KIIT University. He has 20 years of corporate working experience with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited and ten years of training and development experience, out of which, seven years in fulltime academic position. He has conducted MDPs for working executives in the areas of systems dynamics; developing management skills, building learning organization, and effective strategy execution. He has developed an eight weeks executive education programme in general management for young working executives, which has been running since 2007 at the school.