Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- To build a strong foundation in all the key functional areas of management discipline.
- To demonstrate the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment through lifelong learning in advanced areas of management and related fields.
- To enhance research acumen to foster growth in industry and society.
- To adhere to ethical values and standards in promoting sustainable business practices.
- To develop entrepreneurial spirit in fostering innovative business practices relevant to industry and society.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
- Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.
- Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making.
- Ability to develop value-based leadership.
- Ability to understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business.
- Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment
Academic evaluation system
The evaluation system is designed to continually assess the students’ performance in relation to the required standards of academic achievement. Apart from examinations, a student’s performance is assessed on the basis of class participation, preparation of periodic assignments, mid-term tests and surprise quizzes. As specified in the manual of policies, a minimum standard is expected of the student for promotion to the second year and award of the MBA degree.
The school uses a very broad mix of teaching/learning techniques which includes-lectures by instructor, case studies, individual research projects, group projects, classroom discussions, videos shown in class, classroom presentations by students, computerized learning assignments and reading textbooks. The school also provides a forum for students to develop general business knowledge and exposes them to a wide variety of speakers, presentations, and events.
Group of students are attached to a faculty mentor during the two years of their stay in KSOM. The faculty member helps advice and guides students with respect to academic, administrative and career issues.
The faculty mentor closely monitors the performance of their students on academics, curricular / extracurricular activities including one to one guidance for each student placement in corporate and their personality development as ethical professionals. Faculty mentors generate monthly progress report and communicates the parents / guardian in case of deficiencies.
We understand that everybody has a preferred learning style and therefore we encourage self-directed learning wherein individuals can become empowered to take more responsibility with the learning endeavour not necessarily in isolation from others.
The Curriculum is designed by KIIT School of Management to achieve the following three objectives:
- Building a strong foundation in all the key functional areas of business
- Fostering strong analytical and decision making skills
- Providing academic flexibility to promote the customization and personalization of knowledge
The MBA curriculum consists of three different components – Core courses, Elective courses and corporate experience through study tours and On-Job-Training (OJT). Each component reinforces learning from the other, thereby fortifying the education process. The core and elective courses are delivered over 4 semester of 20 weeks duration for each semester and a summer project of 8 weeks duration after the 2nd semesters (OJT). There are 17 core courses in the first year and one core course plus elective courses equivalent to 32 credits in the second year covering seven functional areas. It is compulsory for a students to select at least ONE area of concentration from the functional areas “Marketing”, “HR”, “Finance and Accounting”, “Information Technology”, “Technology and Operations”. If a student wants, he/she can choose TWO areas of concentration too.
The core courses in the first year establish a strong foundation in major functions of business viz. business environment, marketing, finance, human resources, communication, IT, operations and strategy. This input helps students to acquire basic analytical, quantitative and communication skills and builds their confidence to undertake advance courses during the second year.
The summer project at the end of first year, called On-Job-Training (OJT), consolidates the classroom learning with exposure to real life corporate environment. The elective courses during the second year offers opportunity for specialization in major functional areas of management, adding greater depth to the learning acquired during the first year.
The last two semesters comprise of specialization courses where the students can choose elective courses offered by the following areas:
- Business Analytics
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing Management
- Financial Management
- Operations & Supply Chain Management
A students has to complete a minimum of 32 credits of elective in total during the two semesters in the 2nd year. Students need to select appropriate mix of course according to their career preference. It is compulsory for student to select at least one area of concentration from the functional areas. The elective courses shall be offered to a student is any area of the following categories:
- a. Only ONE Area of concentration: 12 credits for Major Area & at least 20 credits from other areas.
- b. TWO Areas of concentration: 12 credits each from TWO areas.
Students have the option of taking upto 36 credits in the second year, minimum requirement being 32 credits.