KSOM organizes its 4th National Business Analytics Konclave
August 19, 2023
14th National Marketing Konclave (KSOM)
September 1, 2023Prof. Sumita Mishra, Dean KSOM extended a warm welcome to all the alumni present and highlighted what can really pull the institute further up is the performance and success of the alumni in the future.
Prof. Ashok Sar, Prof. Abhisek Kumar, Prof. Praveen Mohanty, Prof. Shikta Singh and Prof. Saroj Routray among others also graced the occasion and shared their insights on alumni engagement and how they are going to be the greatest ambassadors of this institute. Prof. Ayushi Raichoudhury, Faculty-In-Charge, Alumni Relations KSOM also extended a warm welcome to the new alumni and urged them to contribute in the development of the alma mater in whatever way possible. Few alumni also shared their experiences about KSOM, the mentoring program and the facilities that created a platform for them and deliberated in their all-round development. The Alumni club of KSOM proposed the vote of thanks.