KSOM brings out the 10th Edition of Konversations on Soil to Silver And Beyond

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KSOM brings out the 10th Edition of Konversations on Soil to Silver And Beyond

As KIIT celebrates a glorious 25 years of carving successful careers for all its students, KIIT School of Management presents the first edition of Konversations this new year.

 ‘Soil to Silver’: Three words that sum up a world of hopes, aspirations, ambitions and their fulfilment. A world of beautiful memories for life. A world of unbreakable bonds. A world of camaraderie across cultures, religions and regions. Konversations encapsulates all that and more.
Dr Prof  Saptorshi Das
Professor  of English
Chairperson: KSOM Girls ‘ Hostels
Faculty Coordinator: Book Hive, the Literary Club of KSOM
Faculty Coordinator and Chief Editor : Konversations, KSOM E-Magazine
Member: KSOM Disciplinary Committee
Member: KSOM Student Counselling Committee
Member: KSOM Health and Hygiene Committee