KONGREGATE Interactive Workshop by Mr.Prasad Routray, MBA, 1993-95 on 09-04-2024
April 20, 2024
KSOM organizes its 15th National HR Conclave on the theme: “Future Proofing HR in the New World of Work”
August 10, 2024KIIT School of Management (KSOM), KIIT DU, experienced a vibrant and lively period during the beginning of the year. Both the years of the MBA programme were focused on curricular activities. Given the onset of winter and a temperate climate, all student clubs conducted a plethora of events both indoors and outdoors. This bimonthly period was witness to several creative presentations by students in different student clubs. Faculty members were also provided recognition in national forums of repute for their research and publications and related activities. The entire University came alive for the grandest student event i.e., KIIT FEST in the month of February. The Fest provided a unique opportunity for students to showcase both their technical and creative skills. Similarly, the annual management conference-International Conference for Management Research (ICMR) 2024 was held during the last week of February. The conference witnessed enthusiastic participation from scholars and academics from India and abroad int the form of interesting paper presentations and deliberations. The ICMR 2024 also hosted a preconference workshop on panel data analysis. KSOM has remained A Brisk Start to the Semester at KSOM, BBA The first two months of the semester at KIIT School of Management (KSOM) were marked by a dynamic start for the BBA program. With a focus on equipping students with the necessary skills to excel in the business world, the bi-monthly period saw a range of engaging classroom activities designed to foster critical thinking, problemsolving, and effective communication – all essential tools for a successful career. Beyond academics, the clubs played a leading role, organizing a diverse calendar of events. These events, both indoors and outdoors, provided a platform for students to focused on the larger outcomes of management education and providing requisite skills to students to enable their meaningful contribution to the different corporate entities that they would join as interns or as employees. MBA first year students prepared themselves to avail summer internships through campus drives. A similar thrust on final placements was provided for the second year post graduate students. In the months to come as KSOM prepares for the closure of the current semester across programmes, it would open a window for faculty members to ruminate on best practices and deliberate on possibilities of improvement in curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.