Seminar talk by Mr. M S Rao, Vice President, Reliance Infrastructure Ltd

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Seminar talk by Mr. M S Rao, Vice President, Reliance Infrastructure Ltd

Topic: Indian Power Sector A key Element in Indian Infrastructure

Date: December 28, 2009

Speaker Profile :

Mr Rao is currently working as Vice President and heading Mumbai Transmission Function of Reliance Infrastructure Ltd., a flagship company of Reliance ADAG. His major functions include O&M of EHV Lines to Mumbai, Planning & Coordination of future network with STU/MERC, Construction of activities of new EHV System and Framework of Annual Revenue Requirement of Mumbai Transmission” A Deemed Transmission Licensee”. Under his leadership-Infra Mumbai transmission has become first ever Transmission Utility in the country to be honored with Golden Peacock Innovation Management Award for the year 2008. His rich experience has envisaged Mumbai Transmission as one of the niche transmission utilities of highest O&M parameters.


Mr M.S Rao presented a brief synopsis on Indian Power Sector- a key element in Indian Infrastructure. He commenced his talk briefing on the Indian economy as a whole and how Indian Infrastructure acts as a crucial driver of the economy. According to his statistical analysis, Power being a key element of Indian Infrastructure, its per- capita usage is around 10% of the global average and emphasized on various infrastructures- Ports, Roads, Rail, Airports, its operating capacity, growing demand and improving efficiency. He spoke on the investment requirement in various key sectors and with respect to power there is 30.4% additional requirement from 150million US dollars currently. According to his analysis, the real theme revolving around the power sector concerns with the balance between supply and demand factor .He opined on the three phases of transition in the power sector- Early Years: largely focused in private sector and centered around major towns and cities; Post-Independence: largely emphasized in public sector with organized State Electricity Boards; Reform Process: focused on increasing private sector participation. Power is a concurrent subject regulated by Central & State Governments, Central & State Electricity Boards. He further talked on how initial focus was on power generation but past few years focus has shifted to Transmission & Distribution and Inter-regional power exchanges have increased manifold and number of grid disturbance have gone down. He expressed his concern on power sector crisis and traditional bottlenecks such as major delays in land acquisition, forest clearances, statutory clearances, lack of credible fuel supplies, funding constraints, clarity in regulatory approach. He further talked on various strategies and plans formulated to decrease demand-supply gap. He concluded  talking on how  radical restructuring of the electricity industry, Post Electricity Act and host of other policy initiatives is  rapidly changing the profile of Power sector and by 2012 with the contribution of Ministry of Power  aims to provide ”Power to All”.