Ph.D. Batch Inauguration at KSOM

KSOM organizes its 1st National Business Analytics Konclave on the theme: Transforming Businesses using Data
December 20, 2020
KSOM organized Knowledge Dialogue series – Webinar on the topic “Disruptions & Digital Transformation” on 16th Jan, 2021
January 16, 2021
KSOM organizes its 1st National Business Analytics Konclave on the theme: Transforming Businesses using Data
December 20, 2020
KSOM organized Knowledge Dialogue series – Webinar on the topic “Disruptions & Digital Transformation” on 16th Jan, 2021
January 16, 2021
Welcoming the newly inducted research scholars, Prof. S.N. Misra, Dean, KSOM flagged the importance of inculcating the basic nuances of research methodology and timeliness in completing research work. He also brought out how distinguished experts in research methodology have helped in bolstering the quality of research work being produced by KSOM. 
The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor complimented the school for being the forerunner in the number of Ph.D. awarded last year and our relentless pursuit of research. Prof. SK Mahapatra, Director, KSOM reiterated the importance of finalizing research work in time and shared his personal experience in this regard. Prof. Sumita Mishra, Ph.D. Chairperson, KSOM briefed the scholars about rules & regulations and the major facets of the upcoming PhD programmes. 
The guides introduced themselves to the scholars and the scholars duly reciprocated and expressed their happiness to be part of the wonderful Ph.D. programme being conducted by KIIT School of Management. The Ph.D. program this year is an interesting mélange of academics (26) and corporate (5), with 3 from foreign countries, reflecting the global attraction for pursuing research at KSOM.