Seminar talk by Mr. Durgadatt Pathak, GM – IR, Tata Steel
September 4, 2009Seminar talk by Mr Sanjay Maitro, General Manager (Human resource), Haldia petro-chemicals
September 12, 2009
Topic: Building Management Competencies
Date: September 11, 2009
Mr. Kapadi reflected a teacher in him while interacting with the students rather than MD & CEO of such a renowned organization, his interaction was pointed towards the fact that Academics are not the only strength valued by employers. Social skills and character traits, or soft skills, are critical to cultivate and emphasize when career planning. No matter how difficult the academic program, many do not emphasize the need for students to develop their soft skills. These employability skills , which emphasize social and character traits, are necessary compliments to academic knowledge. As businesses focus more on customer service and consumer perception they are seeking employees who can add to the overall perception that the business values human needs.
He said fundamentals are more important than jargons; mastering jargon is an important way to make it immediately clears to other people in the field that you are an expert but having just a superficial knowledge of what is required at a grass root level can prove disastrous in the long term. He suggested not to compromise on ethics and always manages reputation risks as management of reputation is crucial to maintenance of value advantage.
Lastly, he asked the students to have work life balance , with our work life balance performance, accountability and commitment go up and negative attitudes, stress go down . Innovation is growth and recession doesn’t hold us from being innovative from being what is required therefore, we should always be in learning mode.