KSOM brings out the 8th Edition of Konversations on Celebrating Freedom

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KSOM brings out the 8th Edition of Konversations on Celebrating Freedom

Team “konversations” would like to thank Director sir for being the in house guide and motivator and ensuring that nothing apart from the best comes out of the endeavor. His creative inputs and keen eye for detail has given a clearer and sharper shape to this newsletter.

Special mention to KSOM faculty for their ideation and contribution in various fields of academic collaboration beyond the KSOM walls, which makes filling of the “Faculty Achievement Section” an easy task.

KSOM takes pride in its vast and immense strength of student contribution. “Konversations” would not have been possible without the contributions of our wonderful and lovable KSOMians whose talent has resulted in more than enough content for the newsletter. The 8th edition of Konversations has been completely driven by the student team including the design of the edition, with guidance from the faculty team.

Thanks again to the wonderful “Konversations” faculty team for pulling through the tedious work, content collection and editing. This would not have been possible without your strong support and readiness to jump in with new and interesting ideas always.

Hope you all have a great time reading it as we had making it. Happy Reading!!

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