She is a Ph.D and MBA (Finance) from KIIT School of Management, with more than 8 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. She has published research papers in various national and international journals which are indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and ABDC. She has authored a book chapter in “Methodological Issues in Management Research: Advances, Challenges and the Way Ahead”, published by Emerald. Besides, She has also presented papers in various national and international conferences of repute viz IMRA-IIMB International Conference 2015 at IIM Bangalore, 58th ISLE conference 2016 held at IIT Guwahati, 61st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics at Patiala. Prior to joining KIIT, she was appointed by L&T Finance. Being a state level chess champion and a national level chess player; she acknowledges the importance of sports along-with academics.
Her teaching interests include Financial management, Indian Financial System and Financial Inclusion.
- Raichoudhury, Ayushi. (2020) “Major Determinants of Financial Inclusion: State-Level Evidences from India,” Vision – The Journal Of Business Perspective.
- Raichoudhury, Ayushi. (2020). “Socio-economic Development Disparity in India: An Inter-state Analysis,” Methodological Issues in Management Research: Advances, Challenges, and the way ahead.
- Raichoudhury, A., (2019). “Impact of education on PMJDY awareness and financial inclusion: A study of Puri district,” International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology.
- Raichoudhury, Ayushi. (2018), “Financial inclusion & Poverty Reduction in India: State-wise analysis using Fischer’s Transformation”, International Journal of Business and Development Research (IJBDR), Vol. 7 (1), 19-30
- Raichoudhury, Ayushi. (2016), “Financial inclusion & human development: a cross country analysis”, Asian Journal of Business Research, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 34-48.