KSOM got the award for the Best B School of Odisha by TIMES Business Awards
March 2, 2020
Prof (Dr) Biswajit Das, published a new book ‘Biological Warfare’ co- authored by Ms. Divyashree Das.
May 3, 2020ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Inclusiveness of the Differently Abled – Challenges and Opportunities in India held at KSOM
A 2-Day National Seminar on Challenges & Opportunities for Differently Abled People in India and their inclusiveness in the mainstream of Society, commenced at KIIT School of Management today morning. The Seminar was powered by ICSSR.
Mrs. Shallu Jindal was the Chief Guest. She is the Co-Chairperson, JSPL Foundation, author/writer, celebrated Kuchipudi dancer, a noted social entrepreneur and a great advocate of India’s indigenous art and culture.
The welcome address was given by Prof. SK Mahapatra, Director, KSOM followed by context setting of the seminar by Prof. S.N Mishra, Dean, KSOM. The Inaugural Address was given by Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty
Vice Chancellor, KIIT DU. Dr. Sruti Mohapatra, Founder, Swabhiman delivered the keynote address.
KSOM was delighted to welcome other eminent speakers for the conference – Ms. Merry Barua, Director, Action for Autism New Delhi; Dr. Amita Dhanda – Prof of Law – Nalsar Law University Hyderabad; Smt. Sulochana Das – State Commissioner for persons with Disabilities, Govt of Odisha; Mrs. Kasturi Mohapatra – Ex Chairperson, SDC&C, OSCPCR; Dr. Nilika Mehrotra – Prof. centre for study of social system, School of Social Science, JNU; Dr. N.C Pati – Retd. Prof Utkal University; Dr. Ipsita Sapra – Prof School of Public Policy & Governance, TISS Hyderabad; Mr. Aditya Tiwari – Motivational Speaker, Ms. Indrani Basu – Director Autism Society, West Bengal; Mr. Pradeep Raj – Founder & Gen Secretary, Pera Sports Foundation; Dr. Madhura Nagchoudhuri- Prof., School Of Social work, TISS Mumbai; Mr. Sannyashai Behera – DSSO Headquaters SSEPD, Govt of Odisha and Dr. Pravas Mishra – Programme Officer, OXFAM India.