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January 23, 2021Five Days Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on LEADERSHIP – GENNEXT: EXERTING INFLUENCE NOT AUTHORITY, Approved By ATAL, AICTE,GOI
KIIT School of Management (KSOM), a leading institute of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, successfully organized its Five Days Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on LEADERSHIP – GEN NEXT: EXERTING INFLUENCE NOT AUTHORITY, from 13th -17th January 2021. This was an ATAL, AICTE, GOI Approved project bagged by Prof. Shikta Singh, Associate Professor, KSOM, KIIT University.
The program received an overwhelming response of more than 200 registrations from across India from the field of pharmacy, medicine, biotech, engineering, management, and corporates too. A huge diversity was seen amongst the participants.
The Faculty Development Program (FDP), organized by KIIT School of Management (KSOM), aimed at providing opportunities to the participants to learn models and methodologies of leadership relevant to a wide spectrum, while also learning the recent developments in leadership styles & strategies. It aimed to equip teachers, corporates with managerial skills across a range of competencies in various areas. Eminent academicians, industry leaders, doctors, therapists were an important part and parcel of the workshop and provided insightful information into various subjects and topics. The sessions were supplemented with polls, Q&A sessions, Simulations, Videos and activities conducted in different groups.
The Faculty Development Program (FDP) which was a five day long program, constituting of total 15 sessions was inaugurated on 12th January 2021 with the presence of Honourable VC of the University, Prof. Dr. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Esteemed Registrar, Prof. Dr. Jyanaranjan Mohanty, Revered Guest of Honour Dr. Ranjit Nayak and the Director of KSOM, Dr. Saroj Mahapatra, as well as Dean of KSOM,Dr. S. N Misra. The session began with a warm welcome address given by the Dean of the School Dr. S N Misra who rightly pointed out the significance of leadership in transforming countries. Taking it forward, the gathering was heartily welcomed and addressed by Dr. S.K. Mahapatra, Director of KSOM by giving an overall overview of this five day FDP Program. The participants were greeted by our Honourable VC, Dr. Hrushikesha Mohanty, he rightly mentioned the significance of leadership in every domain and how the meaning of leadership and roles could vary from person to person for the next generation even. Prof. Jynaranjan Mohanty, Registrar of the University also shared his views and thanked the guest for his valuable insights.
The esteemed guest for the inaugural session Dr. Ranjeet Nayak, Former World Bank staff and Chief Govt. Advisor to the Govt. of Macedonia on International and European Union Affair appreciated KSOM, KIIT University for organizing a FDP on an apt topic like ‘Leadership GenNext- Exerting Influence without Power’ and shared his experience in diverse roles he had held. He indulged the participants to ponder upon the skills, expertise, and competencies that a leader requires to possess.
Dr. Saroj Mahapatra Director, KSOM KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, started off the first day of the program by sharing his insights on the topic, Leadership exerting influence. Dr. Saroj emphasized the importance of a leader and how his method of leading others can influence the outcomes. Session 2 was addressed by, Dr. Gourav Das Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgeon, AMRI, Utkal Hospital, Bhubaneswar. Dr. Gourav primarily addressed the issues faced by a leader in the healthcare services, he gave insights into the dynamic environment and the steps that such leaders need to take to enhance precision and efficiency in healthcare. The last session of the DAY-1 was addressed by, Dr. Shwetaleena Bidyadhar SVP & Global Head, MPS Interactive, Mumbai. Dr. Shwetaleena inspired the audience to recognize the importance of Designing Hybrid Classrooms for GenNext, in the most facile manner.
On day-2 of The Faculty Development Program, three eminent speakers addressed the attendees on several significant topics and issues. While Dr. Debjani Roy, Chief HR Officer at Mind Your Fleet (Kromozones Software Pvt. Ltd.) Former HR Head, SRL diagnostics, brought into the light, The Transformational leadership model in Corporates, Dr. Raiguru Mangesh, Corporate Guru Founder, Twaran, Mumbai talked about Neurolinguistic Leadership. Mr. Jayanth Jayaprakash Founder, Director &CVO at I2E Harmony Pvt. Ltd. Influencer, Transformist, Listener, Healing, Micro-blogger, addressed the final session and spoke about how design thinking is essential component of leadership and captured the immense potential that the faculty across the nation has, to take humanity to a different level.
On the Day-3 of the programme, Dr. Ashok K. Sar Professor, KSOM KIIT Deemed to be University, delivered a session on Leadership & Academic Alliances, where he gave a detailed explanation about ‘What ?’, ‘Why ?’ and ‘How ?’ of academic alliance and the role of leadership in the same. This was followed by a Session by Prof. Sunil Sarangi .In his deliberations, Sunil Sarangi of XLRI, Jamshedpur discussed in detail how leadership can influence without authority, he began with the explanation of non-conventional power types and went on to talk about the soulful persuasion and the factors of intrinsic motivation. The last session of the day witnessed the insightful interaction of the audience with Dr. S.N Mishra, Dean, KSOM, KIIT University. Dr. Mishra drew the timeline of the facets of transformational leadership and also shared his unforgettable experience with Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam.
The discussions of Day-4 began with an exercise by, Dr. Mitali Das Consultant Psychiatrist, Epworth, South Eastern Consulting Suites, Berwick & Monash Health Greater Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Das deliberated on one of the most crucial topics of current scenario- Modern day stress, while she explained the cases and consequences of such stress, she also gave productive ways to reduce the stress and live a more fruitful life. In the second session Mr. Srimanta Panda GM, Finance, NALCO, delivered a presentation on the topic- “Leadership & Financial Planning”. He very vividly touched upon the issue how sound financial knowledge is essential to carry with every individual to grow as a better leader. The last session of the day saw the delivery of Dr. Abha Mishra UNDP, Head, Bhubaneswar. She highlighted on Role of Social Sector/NGOs in exerting influence & shaping leadership. Dr. Abha, uncovered Social Leadership, by supplement the session with examples and videos and appreciated and saluted Prof. Dr. Achyuta Samanta for the incredible work he is doing to mankind and society at large.
The final day of the Faculty Development Program, commemorated with a musical session, on the topic, Stress Management through Music Therapy, carried by Dr. Isa Mishra Associate Professor KSOM, KIIT Deemed to be University & Dr. Ipsita Nayak Assistant Professor KSOM, KIIT Deemed to be University.The session attracted a lot of enthusiasm and exhilaration from the attendees, as the notable speakers sang harmoniously, the audience also joined them in form of musical activities and chorus. The second session of the day also witnessed a similar kind of liveliness as, Dr. Jayalaxmi Samal, Zonal Head Bharatiya Yog Sansthan, Odisha and Assistant Professor, Management Studies, Sri Sri University, Cuttack revealed the evil of stress and the power of Yoga.
The final session of the FDP was taken by Dr. Shikta Singh, Associate Professor, KSOM. She threw light on ‘DISC’- the way of describing the patterns in a person’s behaviour and using that knowledge to predict how they are likely to act in the future. He touched upon the role of Behavioral biases in shaping leadership.
The Valedictory Session was addressed by Mr. Suvasis Ghosh, Director & Head of Client Growth and Development, Dr. Saroj Mahapatra, Director of KSOM, and Dr. S.N. Misra, Dean of KSOM along with the faculty members, Resource persons and participants of the 5-day Program. Mr. Suvasis shared his experience as how one learns through the varied roles of job he is vested with, which turns him into a great influential leader.
The FDP conducted drew humongous appreciation and encomiums from the participants for conceptualizing and delivering the entire program by KSOM Organizers and the Convenor with punctuality and tireless efforts.
To mark the successful completion of the program, a video containing the glimpses of the entire program was dedicated to all the eminent speakers and participants.
The Faculty Development Program (FDP), was ended with a Heartfelt Vote of thanks to all by the FDP Convenor Dr. Shikta Singh.