Knowledge Dialogue Series – Webinar on Tuesday, 23rd Feb, 2021 on the topic “Relevance of Supply Chain Management”
February 25, 2021
Webinar on “Choose to Challenge” to celebrate Women’s Day on the 9th of March, 2021 by KIIT School of Management
March 15, 2021The first ever International Management Conference (IMC) – 2021 on the theme “Re-inventing the Future of Work and Business: Challenges, Opportunities and the Path Ahead” was held from 27th – 28th February 2021 at KIIT School of Management, KIIT-DU. More than 350 delegates attended the conference, including 62 foreign delegates from 15 countries. There were 13 parallel sessions taken by 44 resource persons, while a total of 284 abstracts from researchers from 15 countries were received for the conference, which took place in the virtual mode.
The inaugural keynote address was delivered by Prof. Mark Sutton from the University of Edinburgh & UK Center of Ecology, UK. Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT-DU; Dr. S. K. Mahapatra, Director, KSOM; and Dr. S. N. Mishra, Dean also spoke on the occasion. Prof. Rabi Narayan Subudhi, Convener of the International Conference proposed the vote of thanks at the inaugural session. Prof. Sumita Mishra was the co-convener of the event.
Speaking at the valedictory session, Dr. S. N. Mishra recapitulated the comprehensive discussions spanning two days. He emphasized the need for perpetuity in endeavours like the IMC. KIIT School of Management looks forward to hosting IMC 2022 sustaining a tradition of commitment to research and continuous learning, he added.
IMC 2021 with its multifunctional and global focus was of immense interest to faculty members, research scholars, and practitioners from around the world. The conference witnessed incisive discussions from keynote speakers, session chairs and researchers across the globe. Papers were presented across the chief functional disciplines of management spanning three technical sessions in 13 virtual rooms.